Renesas New Platform Could Speed Embedded Development
Renesas Electronics this week rolled out the first components for a new platform that promises to simplify embedded product development.
Known as Synergy, the platform could be the most concerted effort yet by a supplier to integrate all the disparate pieces of hardware and software that make up an embedded system. Incorporating a real-time operating system (RTOS), TCP/IP stack and middleware along with each microcontroller (MCU), Synergy is said to be aimed at product developers whose expertise may not lie in the software arena. “It’s exactly targeted at those people who don’t have a lot of development resources in house,” Vin D’Agostino, vice president of the General Purpose Products Unit at Renesas, told Design News.
During the platform’s development, Renesas partnered with 11 software companies with expertise in wireless, middleware, security, embedded boards and cloud-based services. Partners included Express Logic Inc., Future Designs Inc., Skkynet Cloud Systems, Inc., IS2T, Icon Labs and GainSpan, among others. It also partnered with ten independent design houses that are now trained in Synergy.